Saturday, September 27, 2008

I rule

Today: 27th Sept '08, Sat
Currently listening to: Jet - Look what you've done
Metro Station - Shake it ( before I hear Jet's song.)

Holiday starts today! Y-a-y. And I am free after all. Exam finished. No more book-facing. Well, Hari Raya is in um..... 3 days? But whtvr...Ramadhan nak habis sudah ~_~...Setan pulak yang datang tanpa dijemput..Menyemak je setan-setan ni....Sepatutnye setan dikurung forever and ever and ever ever!!!

Ok, next-

Baju raya? Oh, I haven't got one. I'm thinking to have one, in blue or maybe red colour. Or maybe green, purple also nice. White and pink patterns? Eh, mata sudah rambang x_x. Hahaha...
Well yeah, yesterday, my school had this program; Majlis Khatam Al-Quran. I've already told you before, haven't I? It was O-K. Well, like it was REALLY 'okay'. Oh, and I brought a camera. Hehehe..Ust.Zainal didn't know until I told him and he said, "tak pe, no hal. Jaga elok-elok je.."
And I was like, 'wooooott! haha. Sporting seyh! yeahhhhh!'
So, me and my friends took some pictures and they were all B-O-R-I-N-G! I thought that we would pose like this and that ,here and there and jump here and there like everywhere but, things were not as I expected. Well, the boys didnt know I brought the camera. My plans were to:

1. Take some pictures with friends; Jumping pictures (especially..)
2. While taking pictures, just pose as you like.
3. Take pictures of class.
4. Laugh out loud.
5. Record a vid.
6. Cam-whore (I think this is same as number 1, right?)

and many many more, it was all in my head. All my plans were ruined by this b***h. Well, not THIS b***h but THOSE b***hes. I wonder why I got into this school. It's really torturing me. But, look at the bright side, since I moved to this school, my grade is getting higher. Maybe it's because that time, when I first got into this school, I was ...(kind of..) scared of the teachers and dont know why. Stupid, huh? It's S-T-U-P-I-D. However, things were O-Kay after a few months. I just have to get used to it. I mean, it's different. Everywhere is different. Well, y'know that...

Now now honey, about the program at my school, yesterday. While the boys were at Masjid Al-Falakh to perform Jumaat prayers, I don't know why but suddenly the girls (in my class, ok..) were talking about Aimi. Nothing but it was just for fun. (Just for fun? WTH??!) And we were like meluahkan perasaan masing-masing. Well, surprisingly, they hold grudge to me, especially. And while we were talking, I was busy taking photos. Aaaaand Haziqah scolded me. She said this, "boleh diam tak, Dayah?! Aku sepak ko kang...!". Uh well, we use bahasa yang agak kasar. Well, whatever she says. I still took photos. And the others were posing but I didn't take their photos. I did but only one, maybe. I dont really remember. There's some reasons why I didnt;

1. They I think I am kecoh and whatsoever in their mind and they think negative about me.
The reason I brought the camera wasn't to show off. They always think bad about me, especially. Uh well, their usual idiot negative thoughts.
2. They think that I'm interrupting (not all of them, though..) while they're talking about Aimi.
3. I was khusyuk x_x (sort of...) listening to what they were telling and talking and saying. -_-
4. I know most people in my class hate me a lot. Well, not most, but ALL, maybe. (My relationship between my friends started to loose since a few months ago. And someone boycott-ed me. It was all their doing; *a*** ***i**, *a*** **i***, ***i** and ***i. I don't know what were their reasons to do all that stupid stuff. They are all *u****g b****es.
5. I was kinda..sad when they said I'm a pembelot and pengkhianat. I'm no more one of them as I am a 'traitor'.

and many more reasons why I didn't take their photos.... I feel like I don't ever want to remember them again and want to erase my memories with them. Ye lah.. bukan ke aku ni 'pembelot' dan 'pengkhianat'? Diorang kan budak baik. So what? Go to your *u****g *e**!!!!

You see, pagi- pagi lagi aku dah buat dosa sebab mencarut. Ini semua sebab kawan-kawan yang tak sejati langsung. Aku sangat sangat sangat bosan dengan diorang ni; yang pernah memboikot aku, yang membuatkan aku failed dalam kebanyakkan subjek dalam kelas. Sekarang, puas la hati diorang, betul tak?

Uh well, I've no more friends. Kalau ade pun, kawan untuk 1 jam atau 1 hari je....Lepas tu, diorang tinggalkan la aku.

I should stop here. I want to tell you about this:

HTC Touch Pro. Cool, huh? I like it. If I can, I would like to have one. ^_^
It has 3.2 Megapixel camera. And other benefits. Haha....I'm dreaming of having one.

Or maybe this?

Sony Ericsson C905. I was kinda..surprised to know that it has 8 Megapixel camera. 8! EIGHT Megapixel, yo! Haha..because I've never seen a phone with more than 5 Megapixel camera..

And this:

Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1. I would rather choose HTC Touch Pro, though.

How about this?

Nokia N85. It has ummm....5 Megapixel camera. Uh well, cool. Boleh tahan...
I like it! It's super cool.

Ah, this one!

Nokia E71.
My friend's sister owns this. It's Haziqah's sister, she owns this. While Haziqah owns this cool sexy red Nokia N76:

It's slim. It has 2 Megapixels camera. Boleh la...

And many many more phones....Well, have you ever seen Vertu phones? They're expensive because of their look. That's pathetic. But, some phones with golden and diamonds are nice and I like it too and they're expensive, of course. They're expensive because of the diamonds and the golden-thing on the phone. See some golden diamonds or Vertu phones here.

By the way, I didn't notice my post are longer than I expected. Wooo! Ok, let's end here. I've written my longest post. Oh wait! I've one more thing to say.

If you read my last post, you can see there's one people posted a comment and I don't know who. It's 'Anonymous'. Please don't do that. And leave your name if you want to comment. And I think I know who; my teacher, I think so...



-Aku bukan kawan mereka lagi..


Anonymous said...

gambar jgn lupa hantar kat saya pulak

Aliah said...

Hey. I just noticed your comment on my blog about zaliqal. Tak pernah perasan ade orang post comment on that post. Well anyway Hidayah, cheerleaders yang pakai tudung tu macam ape you cakap? I couldn't really figure out what you wrote there since you censored it. Kalau nak kutuk orang tu, cakap je la terus, tak payah la nak guna stars ke ape la. And you boleh ke buat ape yang Iqal buat mase cheerleading? I bet you can't even do one single stunt dalam cheerleading kan.

So, before you nak kutuk girls yang pakai tudung jadi cheerleader, baik you pandang diri sendiri dulu okay? Cakap English pun hancur ade hati nak kuruk Zaliqal. Iqal is wayyy more talented than you are, and biar la die nak jadi cheerleader pun if dia pakai tudung. Bukan jadi stripper pun.

Okay lah, malas nak cakap banyak. Selamat Hari Raya.