Wednesday, June 4, 2008


4th June 2008, 8:26 p.m.

I don't declare myself as a mime! Because I'm not a mime! But I want to
try to be a mime. Yes, they do look scary. That's kiddos thought. For me,
they're just fine. Anyway, I love black and white colour and so does the mimes.
They wear their customs which are black and white in colour. And the outfit look
like prisoners shirt ; black and white stripes. Do you think zebra is a mime? Because
they have natural black and white stripes on their body. Maybe they are the
natural mime. Haha...talking crap...

Anyway, I haven't go anywhere this holiday and today is Wednesday! And it's
4th June! 4 days left.....oh maaannnn...... I hate it when holidays ends.....ARRGGH!
And the bad thing is, I haven't finish my homeworks. I've finished some of them.
I just need to get me out of this homework-trap-things....Aiyyooo! folio science tak
siap lagi! Leceh la aiiyyoo!!!

Hey! it's not that I'm complaining, but is that all for science? We always got
to do folio! Folio folio folio! Foliooooooooooo; everywhere in my head.
Unless if that the only work we have to do, then we would ask for one thing;
If teacher want us to do only folio, then don't give us A LOT of homework...
Haha.. I'm just kidding! How can students become smart if they don't do homework and
no exercise for every topic they've learned?

Okay then, I've got to go now! I'll post another story later.

p/s: mime and mime...


1 comment:

Alya said...

Kunjungan balas!!
Maseh sbb mai my blog..
cantek ur blog ..

salam first time datang,
alya the lipas