Saturday, November 21, 2009

Syukran ya ummi! Wa ana uhibbuki jiddan!


Lame tak update, kan? Ana busy, anyway, I'm staying in a hostel. Skrang ni cuti akhir tahun..
Don't bother my old posts, because they are all the old me.
Sekarng ana dh ade target, 30 juzu' nak dihabiskan. Sounds like nerdy? Biar la org nk kate ape..

Kebetulan hari ni ana nk update blog ana ni, ade student dari STIAS f4 post comment..
Tak sangka plak..Ingatkan dah tak de org nak view blog ni...Dah plan nak delete blog ni, tp tak delete lagi... hee~~ :P

By the way, you must be wondering why the title for my blog today is "Syukran Ya Ummi!'...
Well, i suddenly feel like writing Arabic...It means thank you, my mother.
Why? Because it;s my mom who moved me into this school, STIAS. It was my mother who told me about this school. I was, at first, unhappy when mom told me that she was going to send me here. To be in a Tahfiz school, that's what I told my mom, after I had my UPSR and PSRA. Then, after I got my results, I got an offer from SAMTTAJ. So, i went there and I studied there for only about 3 months.

And how I got here, in STIAS? There was this evening, I was going home from school (still in SAMTTAJ), then mother came to pick me up and as I get in the car, mom told me that she has sent the form of registration to STIAS and I was kinda shocked because I haven't told my mom anything about moving to another school. So, boleh dikatakan 'pindah secara mengejut'...And about 1 or 2 days before that, mother and I visited STIAS, and I see the school, a beautiful school, and the boys were playing football at that time in the field. I found the place unique. It was about 6 pm that time, so I guess the girls mesti dah balik hostel. Then, I met with a teacher, Ustzh Ummi Nathrah who was on the way going back to hostel. But as I and mother came, so she took me and mom to bilik guru..
Ustzh, she was so sweet....and I liked her..then she talked with my mom ape kebenda ntah hal org dewasa la kan, so ana waktu tu tgk sekeliling je la...

and bla bla bla... malas la nk cerita, nak tau, tanye je la ana... ;)

So now, here I am in STIAS, where I knew about ulama of the world and stuffs like that..
Sblm masuk sini, ana tak pernah tau pon pasal ulama la..apo bondo tah kan..haha..
memang kuno yg amat la bleh dikatakan...tak pernah tau pon psl madeh..pasal sheikh..
Ape 'sheikh' pon ana tak tau, tapi bila dah masuk STIAS, alhamdulillah, banyak jugak la yang ana tau, drpd tak tau langsung, kan??..memang best. Then, when I first time saw the books that the students use such as kitab safinatu al-naja and yg lain-lain sume tu, I was jakun!! Dah sah memang ana KUNO yang amat. ;P
haha.. klaka la plak kan, tp tu la cite nye...

Cikgu-cikgu nye plak...ok je..
Tapi sedik gak la, antara cikgu yg paling sporting cam Ckgu Afiqah and Ckgu Zawani, nak tahun dpn, diorang tak de..
And maybe, tahun dpn dah takde activity yg best mcm sblm ni ckgu ade buat explorace. Memang best! Seronok sgt!
Tapi untuk tahun dpn?...tak sure lagi ade ke tk activity cam ni..hmm..

Ape2 pon, hrp tahun dpn best gak mcm tahun ni and semoga ckgu afiqah ngan ckgu zawani pnjg umur and murah rezeki and happy dan ceria slalu! ;)
Hrp ckgu boleh dtg lawat kami di sini bila2 ckgu free...



Fatihah Masyukkk (= said...

Hidayah ! :)

congratz la kau dh happy ngn skolah kau , dulu kan kau x ske .

hehe , aku plak yg ter-over happy :D

btw , kau x dok hostel eh ?

Hidayah said...

of course la duk hostel...
klau tk, tk de nye aku ckp skolah jauh ngan hostel.. -___-

and ouh thnks, i'm happy too! ;)