Saturday, May 2, 2009

Maybe the sun didn't shine that time...

I feel like blogging, so here I am; blogging and wasting my time in front of the comp while tomorrow awaits me and I'm not. I don't wait for tomorrow, which is a day I had to go back to hostel.

As you know, I'm not in SAMTTAJ anymore. Mum moved me to STIAS which stands for Sekolah Tinggi Islam As-Sofa a.k.a As-Sofa Islamic High School a.k.a Maahad As-Sofa at Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. This school is new and was built about 1 year ago, i think...
Everyday, I walk about half a kilometer to school. This school is kinda different and I think it's little weird. The girls' hostel is half a kilometer from school while the boys' hostel is just right beside the school! -___- I wonder why is it that way....



Sara :) said...

new school ? hurmmm , how can i see you again , ? like hell imissyou :(

Sarayanglawa <33


Muhaimin Saharudin said...

f1 student ek..
know me?
vice pres of bkp Stias...

Hidayah said...

owh. yea..
student f1..

baru prasan komen anta hr ni,...
tak tau plak ade org view blog ni, lame tk update..dh tk pakai dh, nk delete dh pon..

cam ne bleh tau blog ni?