Friday, April 18, 2008


Aloha! :D
I got tagged! first time got tagged! :D
tagged by Julia, someone who don't know me ... XD
big grin

The rules:-
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

OK? All set?
Heeerrreee wweee gooo!!!

-Fact Number 1!
I've never accept more than 4 presents during my birthday! bad!

-Fact Number 2!
I've never gone for shopping or jln-jln with my friends....... :(

-Fact Number 3!
I'm having a big exam this year......... XD

-Fact Number 4!
I don't have friends who really like to be friend with me......XD all like to pura-pura baik.....

-Fact Number 5!
I'm schooling in a private school! Sooooooooooo gooooooooooood!

-Fact Number 6!
I want to win Amal Islami this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Fact Number 7!
I've been using the same school bag from last year..koyak already.kesian kesian......... XD

-Fact Number 8!
I don't have a phone and it's not necessary anyway...Yeah, I want one but not now la...kacaulah when phone ring...even house phone ring [when someone call me] also i get so angry. Kacau la!


1. Lissa
haihhhh...everybody has tagged everybody..anyway, i don't have anyone to tag except lissa! :D
Lissa, i tag you! :D

OkOkOk........tomorrow punye tomorrow got Amal Islami!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay! Hope I win this year!!!!!! Yea it's tough but hey, I think I can do it! But i have only 1 problem right now......I dont know what corak i have to draw! I've lost my creative-ness.......No Idea already..

"Oh idea,come here!!!!!!!!!"

hehe....i'm crazy already!

and YAY!
today is Friday which means MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Every Friday at tv3, 10 pm.!!!!
this is the time i enjoy gile-giile and relax....but jusy by wacthing movies....thats my tv time schedule.


and Saturday tv3 12:30 midnight also got movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok ok..i'm so kecoh!
ok bye.....have to go now!

sambung nnti la.... :D

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