Sunday, December 27, 2009

Agony ;)


Hello people, ;)

Yesterday was Ustzh Huda's wedding.
Well, I don't really have anything to tell.

The title today langsung takde kaitan dengan post hari ni, kannn?? -__-'

Few days ago, I went to Majlis Muhadharah Prof. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi at PICC.
And that's all i think, nothing much to tell. I hope that you've read my post a few days ago which was 'I don't salute you, 'budak baik' ', that's the title.
Somehow, boleh jadi peringatan buat semua jugak...

And can you believe it, school's coming. And I should say YAY for that!

Btw, I think my blog is getting less-known by people.
Well if you think you're kind, you can help me promote or something huh?
Heheheh....I'm just kidding. Thnks for reading. ;)

Well, I'm looking for madeh to download. But geeeez, I can't find them.
Perhaps some help you could lend? Hehe..


-hidayah ;)

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