Hello people,
I'm back from Tafaqquh and it was great! ;)
And guess what? Ana jadi fasi! ;) Secara kebetulan je..(Kalau tak, ana takde nye jadi fasi..memang nak pun, tapi tgk diri sendiri tak terurus, nak jadi fasi, hampeh! haha..)
Well actually I'm one of the participants too, then suddenly mase makan petang, I was asked to be fasi, y'know....So, yeah.. ;)
I thought other than me, there would be other female students from STIAS..
but geezz....
There were only two of them, me and Kak Suroyya..
Other than that, ana fasi paling muda - form 1. Fasi laki pon tkde form1 punye.....haiihhh.. -___-
So, I disguised as an 18 year old kakak or maybe 20 year old kot.. (cause I look older than my age), because the participants were 12-17. But they still know how old I am, because I told them before I was told not to tell my age to the participants, because at that time, I didn't know I was the fasi-thing.....gaaahhh...
Fasi muslimat: ana, kak su, kak madihah, kak nadia, kak hajar and ustzh ummi. ;)
The oldest participant was this girl who was form 4 and she was nice. She won as the best female participant, y'know...
The penghuluwati and the kids rocked! Haha..I mean, diorang sume sporting. :)
But hey, I don't have pictures to post bcause I don't own any camera or phone.., what a sad thing...o_0
Memang la ade pics, tp dalam handphone kak su je..
Ana tak tau plak jadi fasi...Should i know, I'd have bring camera... ;)
Whatever it is, the pictures won't be a problem..The thing is, the participants, they enjoyed the program and so do I, and also the teachers, and fasi-fasi yang lain even form 5 students pon same!
They were sort of a big help to us especially during night-walk.
And it was FUN!
And during Night-walk, memang best! I was supposed to look after group 2 which was my group, but then kene tukar so ana kene jaga group 4 which was group 9 because campur ngan budak laki.
And ana jage group yg terakhir skali.
My partner were Muaz and Najmuddin. Diorang la tukang tarik anak2 buah aku tu.
They were like 'abis la kitaorg jd penarik kerbau lepas ni...ganas2 kerbau ni weyh...peerrgghh..'
We couldn't stop laughing, and somehow, the particpiants heard our laughing..
The participants were released at school field, blindfoolded. The night-walk started after Isya'...
At checkpoint 3, on the way nak turun bukit, ana yang jatuh banyak kali..sepatutnye anak buah la yang jatuh..
Bukit tu licin, ana pulak pakai sandal, because I've no sport shoes..
haihh, memang jatuh muka tembok lerr ana...Buat malu je...haha, habis tu fasi yang lain ape lagi, gelak je keje nye..peergghh..
And one thing yang org lain tak tau, maybe ade yang tau, but I don't know whether other people know about this; ana pecahkan lampu on the way nak checkpoint yg terakhir. Lampu fluorescent pecah, ana yang buat,, heheh...oooppss, sorry! heheh..
Mase tu kat longkang, ana tak turun lagi dalam longkang, tapi anak2 buah sume kat longkang.
Then suddenly, ade la sorang fasi laki ni suruh ana turun, so ana turun la.
As I was going down, ana pegang something which I thought was some kind of tali, so ana pegang and it wasn't tali, y'know..It was the wire! Wayar lampu!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wayar tu pulak tak digantung dgn kuat so bila ana tarik je wayar tu, bang! Jatuh la lampu tu, and then dia pecah....Rasenye, cikgu Zul nampak kot...tapi, tak tau la..
Tapi ana memang cuak sangt waktu tu... takut la jugak kene sergah ke apa kan..Because, that night, semua orang garang! Semua orang berlakon sebenanye, sbb sengaja nak menakutkan peserta tu semua...
Dah la ana punye group yang terakhir, agak men'cuak'kan...
Peserta2 sumenye rase takut sedangkan fasi-fasi sumenye gelak-gelak nak terkeluar perut tgk gelagat peserta..haha...They were blindfoolded, so they can't see and all groups don't know siapa yang tarik diorang. Fun, huh? I will absolutely join Tafaqquh for next year, InsyaAllah!
Ntah la, susah nk cerita dalam blog ni..
I miss the girls, lol...
Before diorang sume balik, sume cam peluk2 and all those things la kan..
Then, tukar2 number nak contact...
Took some pctures and bye...Ouh, sedih gile, I miss them much.
Maybe memang tak byk program, tapi best sebab sume nye ok and semuanye sporting yang amat...
And they all like it, we sang madeh and all, it was totally fun!
The kids said that they enjoyed madeh and that's good. But Luqman was kinda..awful..haha...
Not to say that he was that bad...
Thnks to him... he conducted most of the program, then when he sang the tenuk-tenuk song..Me and fasi muslimat yg lain was like 'haaiihhh, ape Loqman niiihh....tk pe la, biarla, budak2 ni pon suke...'
He was quite entertaining, though...
Bukan fasal program teratur atau tak, kalau teratur sngt pon, then participants tak follow, same jugak kan..
Sempoi-sempoi je, best jugak!
Fasi-fasi pon sumenye best!
But the most important, ilmu yang diorang dapat!
Maybe, before this, they don't know or maybe some never been to kuliah and classes like that, and to hear preeches, now they know and it was funny though to see the kids punye kepala lentok-lentok waktu kuliah...haha..
The kids who were compalining sakit kepala la, sakir perut la..itu la ini la, were okay actually..
Biase la kan, rindu rumah. Tapi seminggu je program ni, ade pulak yang nak call parents..haihh..
Banyak la jugak songeh bebudak ni, nak rehat la...sakit perut, tak boleh kawat la..macam2 la...
Tapi at last, about 3-2 days before Tafaqquh ended, they were just fine.
Then after Tafaqquh habis, I stayed at school for 3 days...You must be wondering why...
Entah la, ana sendiri pon tk tau macam mana ana boleh stay extra 3 days kat asrama...
Anyway, ana harap dapat jadi fasi lagi next year!
I'm back from Tafaqquh and it was great! ;)
And guess what? Ana jadi fasi! ;) Secara kebetulan je..(Kalau tak, ana takde nye jadi fasi..memang nak pun, tapi tgk diri sendiri tak terurus, nak jadi fasi, hampeh! haha..)
Well actually I'm one of the participants too, then suddenly mase makan petang, I was asked to be fasi, y'know....So, yeah.. ;)
I thought other than me, there would be other female students from STIAS..
but geezz....
There were only two of them, me and Kak Suroyya..
Other than that, ana fasi paling muda - form 1. Fasi laki pon tkde form1 punye.....haiihhh.. -___-
So, I disguised as an 18 year old kakak or maybe 20 year old kot.. (cause I look older than my age), because the participants were 12-17. But they still know how old I am, because I told them before I was told not to tell my age to the participants, because at that time, I didn't know I was the fasi-thing.....gaaahhh...
Fasi muslimat: ana, kak su, kak madihah, kak nadia, kak hajar and ustzh ummi. ;)
The oldest participant was this girl who was form 4 and she was nice. She won as the best female participant, y'know...
The penghuluwati and the kids rocked! Haha..I mean, diorang sume sporting. :)
But hey, I don't have pictures to post bcause I don't own any camera or phone.., what a sad thing...o_0
Memang la ade pics, tp dalam handphone kak su je..
Ana tak tau plak jadi fasi...Should i know, I'd have bring camera... ;)
Whatever it is, the pictures won't be a problem..The thing is, the participants, they enjoyed the program and so do I, and also the teachers, and fasi-fasi yang lain even form 5 students pon same!
They were sort of a big help to us especially during night-walk.
And it was FUN!
And during Night-walk, memang best! I was supposed to look after group 2 which was my group, but then kene tukar so ana kene jaga group 4 which was group 9 because campur ngan budak laki.
And ana jage group yg terakhir skali.
My partner were Muaz and Najmuddin. Diorang la tukang tarik anak2 buah aku tu.
They were like 'abis la kitaorg jd penarik kerbau lepas ni...ganas2 kerbau ni weyh...peerrgghh..'
We couldn't stop laughing, and somehow, the particpiants heard our laughing..
The participants were released at school field, blindfoolded. The night-walk started after Isya'...
At checkpoint 3, on the way nak turun bukit, ana yang jatuh banyak kali..sepatutnye anak buah la yang jatuh..
Bukit tu licin, ana pulak pakai sandal, because I've no sport shoes..
haihh, memang jatuh muka tembok lerr ana...Buat malu je...haha, habis tu fasi yang lain ape lagi, gelak je keje nye..peergghh..
And one thing yang org lain tak tau, maybe ade yang tau, but I don't know whether other people know about this; ana pecahkan lampu on the way nak checkpoint yg terakhir. Lampu fluorescent pecah, ana yang buat,, heheh...oooppss, sorry! heheh..
Mase tu kat longkang, ana tak turun lagi dalam longkang, tapi anak2 buah sume kat longkang.
Then suddenly, ade la sorang fasi laki ni suruh ana turun, so ana turun la.
As I was going down, ana pegang something which I thought was some kind of tali, so ana pegang and it wasn't tali, y'know..It was the wire! Wayar lampu!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wayar tu pulak tak digantung dgn kuat so bila ana tarik je wayar tu, bang! Jatuh la lampu tu, and then dia pecah....Rasenye, cikgu Zul nampak kot...tapi, tak tau la..
Tapi ana memang cuak sangt waktu tu... takut la jugak kene sergah ke apa kan..Because, that night, semua orang garang! Semua orang berlakon sebenanye, sbb sengaja nak menakutkan peserta tu semua...
Dah la ana punye group yang terakhir, agak men'cuak'kan...
Peserta2 sumenye rase takut sedangkan fasi-fasi sumenye gelak-gelak nak terkeluar perut tgk gelagat peserta..haha...They were blindfoolded, so they can't see and all groups don't know siapa yang tarik diorang. Fun, huh? I will absolutely join Tafaqquh for next year, InsyaAllah!
Ntah la, susah nk cerita dalam blog ni..
I miss the girls, lol...
Before diorang sume balik, sume cam peluk2 and all those things la kan..
Then, tukar2 number nak contact...
Took some pctures and bye...Ouh, sedih gile, I miss them much.
Maybe memang tak byk program, tapi best sebab sume nye ok and semuanye sporting yang amat...
And they all like it, we sang madeh and all, it was totally fun!
The kids said that they enjoyed madeh and that's good. But Luqman was kinda..awful..haha...
Not to say that he was that bad...
Thnks to him... he conducted most of the program, then when he sang the tenuk-tenuk song..Me and fasi muslimat yg lain was like 'haaiihhh, ape Loqman niiihh....tk pe la, biarla, budak2 ni pon suke...'
He was quite entertaining, though...
Bukan fasal program teratur atau tak, kalau teratur sngt pon, then participants tak follow, same jugak kan..
Sempoi-sempoi je, best jugak!
Fasi-fasi pon sumenye best!
But the most important, ilmu yang diorang dapat!
Maybe, before this, they don't know or maybe some never been to kuliah and classes like that, and to hear preeches, now they know and it was funny though to see the kids punye kepala lentok-lentok waktu kuliah...haha..
The kids who were compalining sakit kepala la, sakir perut la..itu la ini la, were okay actually..
Biase la kan, rindu rumah. Tapi seminggu je program ni, ade pulak yang nak call parents..haihh..
Banyak la jugak songeh bebudak ni, nak rehat la...sakit perut, tak boleh kawat la..macam2 la...
Tapi at last, about 3-2 days before Tafaqquh ended, they were just fine.
Then after Tafaqquh habis, I stayed at school for 3 days...You must be wondering why...
Entah la, ana sendiri pon tk tau macam mana ana boleh stay extra 3 days kat asrama...
Anyway, ana harap dapat jadi fasi lagi next year!
hahah ! i mish you n all the fesi2 maa ! ngee~
btw , if ton dpn ade i na juin lagi :)
nad, ade blog shazreen tak???
btw, join la utk tahun dpn k!!
see you next yr! ;)
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