Uhh...hello guys! :D
haven't blogg for a long time, rite?
anyway, nothing to tell...
there's something to tell
actually, tomorrow EXAM! It's an horror!!!!!!!
But i'm not studying......hehe... bad isn't it?
relax.....[for a while la...tkkn nk blaja a whole day kot...haihhh.]
Anyway, for your info ....FYI,i'm a Muffin Mafia member!
cool heh?! Yeah it's cool!
And ...
My freinds and I fought again...haihh..conflict conflict......
Nadiah said "SORRY" yesterday when she called me.....
And in my heart, I was like "Ok...la...you're forgiven." . But I don't think I should forgive her....
Because she started it! And that time, she was suddenly mad at me, and we weren't talking for a few days y'know....yeah.it's a long time...
Ok lah.forget it! It's DONE anyway.....
But, I don't think it's her fault, though. It's all start from somebody. [I can't tell you the name, it's dangerous.....]
Ok, let's call it friend A and friend B [friend B is Nadi, ok? you got that?]
let's start the story.....
Firstly, it all starts with friend A. Friend A has a friend - who also terlibat in this thing [ let's call her friend A2]
Continue ;
Friend A has a very 'sweet'and 'sopan' friend. Both Friend A and Friend A2 are nice and sweet and cute and smart girl. . And, they have a red book. Yeah, really baik. It's their red secret book ....yeah...whateverlah...and I actually don't know what they write in that red secret book, but I guess it's about other people...they don't and won't let people read it. As you know, it's secret lah konon....Then, one day, after friend B was elected as Penolong Pengawas, [i'll tell you about the kursus...hehe..I was elected as pengawas...but I was like mawas..hehe..]the nice girls -friend A and friend A2, offered friend B to have a look at that idiot damn red secret book. And friend B , automatically, joined The Red Secret Book group. And suddenly, from day to day, friend B began to ummmmm....separate...y'know...like...jauh-jauh from me and dekat-dekat wth them, freind A and friend A2. So, that time, I was like..i's weird...because suddenly friend B hates me and mad at me and...y'know...diorang ni mcm budk kecik, sikit-sikit tk nk kwn lah and whateverlah...duhh.....And she also suddenly soooo rapat with those nice girls, friend A and friend A2. And our reltionship began to loose...and my friend , Laila, said the same thing and observed tha same thing...So does my friend, Farah Aqilah...they said that friend B was like sombong because :
1. yelah...baru dilantik sbg Penolong Pengwas
2. we know we're not that smart, ok.....[but we are smart..at least we know ABC ..hehe...
3. we know lah friend A and friend A2 are smart, cute and cantik lah and whatever,....
BUT, i don't think the first is not the reason. I can't really believe friend B jenis macam tu...She's actually nice...
So, do you really understand the story? no?
Friend A tried to let me suffer. And I suffered. I'll make her suffer in her whole life! no lah...kdding only....Friend A tried to berbaik-baik with friend B because friend B is rapat with me and others too lah....But I don't know why all this happen. Ok. So, it all start with friend A and A2 and happened because of them!.
It's a long story....And I hate friend A and friend A2!...haihhh...tak sampai hati la...anyway, why kesian kat friend A and friend A2 , rite?
Feel like nak balas dendam tau..haihh...tapi tak baik, kan...tak pe lah..[walau ape pon, I still hate them ; they're the reason why all this happen!] Mengada-ngada! Muke je baik!
haihh..see? now I naik angin already...
Ok...consider done lah...
Ok, I had a course last week. Kursus Pengawas. It's so fun! But there's some sad stories...
Ok, let's forget the sadness. It was cool and fun! We stayed at school for 2 days 1 night. On the secind day, we jogged in the morning about 200 meter only...I think so..can't remember lah. And we played games. But it wasn't that fun....Ok ok..it was fun....However, my group [we were divided into groups] didn't win for 'Kumpulan Terbaik' and I didn't win for 'Peserta terbaik' Arrrghh! So sad....
maybe I was to aggresive that time....or always show my sad face..people always say I always monyok and muram....But after the course ended, I realised that I am not so a goos person. I want to change. So far, I've change something bad in me ; BOROS. I am sooo boros I always spend my money at school. At least, I've changed my negative-ness. Now i'm trying to change my other bad habit.
I'm so hyper that i can't wait for AMAL ISLAMI! It's on the 20th April. 1 more week. Amal Islami is a competition among schools but agama schools only. This is the second time I entered this thing. Wow! excited sangat lah....I was chosen for Khat [calligraphy]. I like Khat. Eventhough it's tough. But fun! Ok,...untill here only lah...
haihhh...still have the "revenge" mood . I'm so tak puas hati
Hope they get what they deserve!
OK. bye-bye!
Oh yeah, remember I told you I'm a Muffin Mafia member? Yeah, me, aiman, zakry and haziqah!
cool? sooooooooo cool!
it'all started at tuition. It's aling story lah....nanti nanti je lah ye! BYe!
Sayonara! [haven't use Japanese language for a long time]!
Bye-bye-bye-bye! :D
Amal Islami. OH! by the way, My bitrhday is on 20 June .
Lama lagi..but pls remember!
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