Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A new member of blogger :D

HeLL0 there!!!

i'm new but not new...
actually, i've planned to create my own blog earlier ...
but u know...i'm lazy as always...lazy to sign up...
anyway....i's my favourite to post blog...i sign up yesterday actually...but i post today...hehe
btw, it's a sad day though....
and oh no!!!
i got no. 2 again...i hate it!!! always number 2...i never get no. 1 before in, the thing i hate is...this whole year, i get no. 2 only !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but what can i do ...........and my percentage is quite bad lah....
ok, umm.....actually, the result [exam akhir tahun] is not out yet...hahahahaha
but i can predict it.......
OH !!!!!!!! i hate you number 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and my percentage is bad !!!!!!!!!!
is it fact??? oh no....well....
tak pe least i have enjoyed yesterday...i went to trip to Mines Wonderland...
and Beryl's Chocolate factory !!!! oh !!!!!!! the chocolate is so YUMMY !!!!!
i love the black chocolate there [chocolate yg pahit-pahit sikit tu...]...many don't like dark chocolate [or black chocolate...same lah..]...but i luv it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tapi mahal lah chocolate beryl's tu... 1 small box cost RM i bought only two boxes of chocolate [both which i bought was black chocolate !!! hehe..] which costs RM 27 !!!!!!!!!!
2 small box can cost that much !!!!!!!!!!
oh no...i've waste my money...but i don't think so, cause the choc is soooooooooo delicious. !!!
and that's why i'm mang@log!st cHoc0 !!!! and that's why ..
ok...bye..maybe that's all...

later !!!!!!

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