Thursday, November 29, 2007

Know me!

Know me better can you??? Oh yeah....Hi! Konnichiwa!....

.:About You []!:.

Eye Colour: I think black lah...
Hair colour: ???
Height: Not sure....umm..
Favourite colour: Black * White
Screen name : Yoshikuni Chiaki, Chiaki-chan, nh, mangalogist choco [dh x guna dh...]
Your car: Not the right time favourite car is HT-FS Toyota!
Your hometown : Selangor
Your crushes firts name: Hehe...forget already....[betul! aku x tipu!]
Your grade: Ehem....
Your style: Whatever i'm feeling that time....[asalkan tutup aurat!]

.:Have you ever....:.

Sat on your top roof? : No n never....[bleh jugak kalau org offer...hehe]
Kissed someone in the rain?: Nope...[perbuatan yg tak senonoh lah tu....ish ish ish...]
Dance in a public place?: Nope..i only dance with my friends when nobody's there..only US!
Smiled for no reasons? : Nope!...duhh...gile ke ape???...lainlah kalau org yg tgh berangan...hehe
Laughed so hard 'till you cried? : HAHAHAHAHA...*cry*....nope...
Written a song?: No.....pernah try tapi my friends said entah pape lah...haha...berangan je aku ni...
Sang to someone for no reason? : Ummm....entah lah...
Performed on a stage? : YUP! but only about...umm...4 or 5 times...
Talk to someone you don't know?: Yes....
Made out in theatre?: Nope....oh man...
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: I've tried before....sadly, i fall a lot! hahaha..silly..

.: Who was the last person to.....:.

Say HI to you?: Illy...when i met her at Mydin :)
Tell you, 'I love you'?: hmm.....
Kiss you?: nobody....or maybe i think i forgot....
Hug you?: ......
Tell you bye?: nobody....
Write you a note?: nobody...xD
Taken your photo?: umm...i think...Laila...or maybe Dayana...or maybe Hasina...ahhh..i forgotlah...
Call your cell phone?: I DONT have cell phone... *_*
Buy you something?: don't remember lah...i think my mom....:)
Go with you to a movie?:Yeah right...the last time i went to a movie was last last last year....*_*
Sing to you?: heh? *_*
Write a poem about you?: i hope there's someone that will do that...
Text message you?: *_*.....
Touch you?: My mom!

.:What's the last.....:.

The time you laughed?: Yesterday....
Time you cried?: ummm....entah lah...
Movie you watched?: *_*
Joke you told?: No joke but riddles..;)
Song you've sang?: Electro World by Perfume...[nanyi dlm hati je...]
Time you've looked at the clock?: This morning...xD
Drink you've had?: Mineral water!...*_*
Number you've dialed?: Mom's
Book you've read?: I read newspaper just now....*_*
Food you've eaten?: Lontong! deliciousta!!!!!!!!!!!
Flavor of gum you chewed?: Mint...i think so...
Shoes you've worn?: Huh? pakai selipar je tadi... *_*
Store you''ve been in?: Stores?, Yes...
Thing you've said?: hehe...shhhh!!!!!...[hey! i didn;t say that just now..]

.: Can you......:.
Write using both hands?: nope..*_*
Whistle?: aarrgghhhh!!!! tak pernah jadi...*_*
Blow a bubble?: xD
Roll your tongue in a circle?: u'!
Cross your eyes?: can..but i don't want to..>_<
Touch your tongue to your nose?: HUH????!! no....geli lah...aiyyo!
Dance?: YUP! :))))))
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: hehe....never done it before..
Speak a different language?: Malay? hehe..umm....Arabic, English [of course!], Japanese...[ a little bit lah...]
Impersonate someone?: umm...what's that? *_*
Prank call people?: nope....tapi kalau bleh aku nak try...hehe
Make a card pyramid?: yeah...satu tingkat pon tak sampai.. *_*....
Cook anything?: Of course lah! masak air..*_* hehhe..kidding kidding....

.: Finish the line....

If i were...: ..........
I wish...: i can get 5As for UPSR and Mumtaz for PSRA.....and 8As for PMR and more than 8As for SPM....hehe...and for my friends too...i wish that they would not ignore me anymore....or....
Kidnapping ...: is, must be careful!
I am...: Hidayah....or a girl....
My heart is ...: red


Sankyuu....[same lah tu...*_*]

-: Yoshikuni Chiaki

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I want those!!!

hallo hallo....anybody home...ECHO!!!!!!!!
KONNICHIWA!!! Watashi Chiaki-chan!!! gak mengemas rumah tadi...wooh!
not bad...rajin jugak aku ni.....[hehe...perasannye............xD]
woit!..... let's talk about THINGS !! know..there's really a lot of things i really want!
but it's not important actually...hehe *_*

take a look at this.....

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it's Sony Vaio TZ [i prefer black also can lah... :) ]
you has Zen LED..and...umm...[x ingatlah.....xD]

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cool huh??? ....i want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [walkman.....walkman.....walkman...come!]
yeah right....somebody had already owned it... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

ok. look at this...i really really really want it...they said, this thing can be obtained at anime stores...
but where is anime stores???...hmm.... It's Vivienne Westwood ring!

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

long huh??..that's why i like it! you know, NANA [it's anime lah..!!!]
ok lah...i'll show you nana...

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this one "ROCK" !

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both are is nice and is rock...umm..punk ...i think so... about this's PSP..the new one!!
slim and light..!!!

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i want black colour lah....hmm.....nice huh??

well, at least, if i can't have those...i want a camera....want to take pictures of me n friends!!!
[aku mmg dah lama nak benda nih...tak dpt-dpt...]

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nice eh?
wonder when can i get....hmm....*thinks*

well...if i also can't have that, i want least i can hear music....can't wait to own them...
hey iPod! wait for me! I'll come rescue you! hehehe....

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heyyo things! wait for me,I'll come rescue you all!!

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hahahaha!! dumbly funny...IDIOT!!
BAKA !! BAKA!!! BAKA!!!.......................
anyway...thanks for sudi mendengar "CERAMAH" aku...hehe...
tapi ade lagi.......sediakan telinga anda...!!wakkakakakakakaka!!!


and it's
ANIME STUFFS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, firstly, i want......THIS ! [eh no, down here..hehe...xD]

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it's a death note! [ not the real one lah...aiyyoo!!! BAKA!...maybe if it's real also can..hehe...nakal!]
there's no such thing !

and also L's's nice! cool huh??
[i didn't found the picture...uhhh....
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket]

oh ye...the ring just now...actually, it's anime stuff....
aarrgghhhh...whatever lah...


ok, thanx for sudi hearuing my CERAMAH !!!
ARIGATo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

owwhhh...i'm sleepy lah....better go now....[hehe....posting blog late at night...]
whee~~~~actually, i'm not so sleepy lah.. xD
may be because the coffee....tak pe lah...may be i can watch H2 [Japanese !!!] 'till i get sleepy....

~ arigato!! ~
~ gomen~ [sbb kena dgr ceramah aku ni....tak pe least ceramah aku best! xD]
~ sayonara~
~ oyusemi!!! ~

-: Yoshikuni Chiaki @ mangalogist cHoc0 !!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

eh? again??!!

eh lupe...Assalamualaikum...
[jawab lerr..]
hi there !!
i've got story for ya! sebenarnye ceirta ni dh lama, cuma aku tak post je...] ..hehe

Well, last Saturday..[umm.. it's 17 nov, i went to school to..umm...nak ambil result UJIAN AKHIR TAHUN....
and guess what i get???
i get number .....
knp? x percaye ke??....hahahaha...mmg lah tak percaya, aku tak bagi tau lagi...WAKKAKAKAKAKAKA!!!!
well, i got number
2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! again......
at first, i would say YATTA !!!! yippee!!!....[eh, bknlah....ALHAMDULILLAH]
BUT, i'm not so happy actually....seriously...well....i got ONLY number 2 since the first term!!!!!!!!
believe it or my class..['s P5..] 1, 2, 3...from the first exam until the end-year exam, org yg dpt no. 1, 2, 3, org yg SAMA je..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hmm....but at percentage is quite good!!!
makin MENINGKAT !!!!ok, umm.....meningkat jugak....tapi masih tak puas hati sikit sbb dapat peratus bawah 90%.... *_*
but, at least, aku dah capai salah satu target aku for this year....I attend to school everyday !!!!!
believe it or not...!!!...never miss!!!

ok, next topic...


ok, umm....actually..i was know...people who go to...umm....AH!
cosplay....i was wondering where did they get the anime customs....did they made it themselves??
[ well...i don't think they made it themselves....]
or...did they 'tempah' the customs?????.....anyway...if i can wear the customs ...IF i can...
i would like to....well....i really like to attend the cosplay...tapi...mane boleh pakai baju-baju cam tu !!! it'a AURAT u know...A-U-R-A-T !!! *_*
...I like ANIME and MANGA !! don't you know that???


welll.....for this holiday..ade kelas tambahan....
boleh lah tu....tak de lah boring dangat duk kat rumah....hmm..nanti stress lah plak...but i must study!! still!!! next year ade UPSR and PSRA...
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ok...maybe that's all....bye then!!

:- hidayah
- mang@log!st cHoc0

oh ye...arigato for reading!!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

the last ......

hello there....
what can i say...
i'm sure the teachers are also sad, huh??
ye lah, cikgu-cikgu kan suka gurau ngan P6...
well,today.....tears know...there's a lot of tears came out.....[whatever lah if my grammar is wrong !!!!!!!]
P6 dah tak de more Japanese conversation between me and her [Adib and Huda...]..
well, we don't know how to talk Japanese , but we just say the everyday conversation like, 'Arigato',
'Ohayo' , 'sumimasen'......

even though it's not P5 that are going to go, but's sad that the boys n girls in P6 are no more at SRIP.....
yeah of course they teased us a lot.....ejeklah...kacaulah...but, they are so funny !!!!
yes, of course, you will say they are sooooooo nakal, tapi diorang baik gilerr!!!

well, 'bout Adibah, she's soooooooooooooooooooo pandai and baik.........she understand me well.....she always help me when i have problems....oh no.....and she loves anime n manga !!!!
she'll be mad but only if you make her very angry.....when it's time for serious, she'll be serious....
she has myspace also...[the one name natsume...she's in my friend space...]

and ' bout Zakwan, he's kinda funny...
maybe kalau dia ejek gile-gile tu, you'll get mad, but he's actually baik !!!!!!
[i'm talking about the one who has myspace, his name is Zack1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....he is in my friend space]...

and 'bout Huda...she's a nice girl...she's soooooooooo sopan....
if u see her face, korang akan terpikat.....[for men lah..]
Huda, jgn marah ye...!!!!...nak gurau sikit...rilek-rilek, Huda, if you're reading this, and Adib and Zakwan too, i'm sorry if i have done anything wrong.....dan x lupa juga kpd P6 yg lain....aina, alia, afifa mohd nooh , [ the twin afifa...], afifa delita...athirah....and the boys......syakir, iman, zaid, siddiq, irfan, faris....and ALL lah....

so today, i hit my friends [P5...aku x sempat nak pukul P6..]and said "pukulan terakhir utk korang sume..."...
and then,...


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[i'm not in this pic...there's no me...only P6 students.]
from Left: Afifa Delita, Huda, Sarah Alia, Afifah Mohd Nooh, Aina and Adibah Amira ^_^

GAMBATE to all of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!
pls don't stop trying !!!
get at least 8A for SPM, kay??

GAMBATE KUDASAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ARIGATO for being such a nice friend !!!!!!!!!!!
SUMIMASEN if i have done anything wrong or anything that make u annoyed ....

~ sankyuuu !!!! ~
~ gambate !!!!!!~
~ sumimasen !!!!!!! ~
~ sayonara !!!!!!!! ~

-: hidayah !!!
mang@log!st cHoc0 !!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

sad-happy day!!! oh no !!!

you wouldn't believe it !!!
today is a sad+happy day... xD
anyway, i have class
JAMUAN today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YIPPEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there were my favourite food - CHOCOLATE CAKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was a good day...eating choc cakes, pudding [ but i didn't eat it cause habis cepat sgt !!!!]
oh i miss the day...[but itjust happened tadi mase kat skol....hehe]


it's also the sad day for P6 [pintar 6...]...they are going to get results for UPSR today....
guess what happen......hmmm....feel like can't tell 'bout it.....most of them were crying !!!!!!!!! oh no...i'm thinking what would i get when i'm in P6..oh i going to get 2A 3B ...???...nooooooooooooooooo000000000 !!!!!!!!!!!!

well....for me of getting 5A for UPSR [and mumtaz for PSRA], it's IMPOSSIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's because i always have my targets like ....i want my percentage 90 % and upper [ is it right, upper or above???..hehe...whatever lah...]..but i always get 89% below....oh i hate it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate it.......but what can i do...hmmm...whatever lah...ok, next topik lah....


oh no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tomorrow is the last day of school......
oh man...........this holiday is going to be ummm......well.....SUCKs????
oh man...i shouldn't say that ....gomen-nasai!!!!!!!

ok....maybe that's all.....sankyuu !!!!!!! for reading !!!!!!!!

sayonara !!!!!

- mang@log!st cHoc0 !!! -

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A new member of blogger :D

HeLL0 there!!!

i'm new but not new...
actually, i've planned to create my own blog earlier ...
but u know...i'm lazy as always...lazy to sign up...
anyway....i's my favourite to post blog...i sign up yesterday actually...but i post today...hehe
btw, it's a sad day though....
and oh no!!!
i got no. 2 again...i hate it!!! always number 2...i never get no. 1 before in, the thing i hate is...this whole year, i get no. 2 only !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but what can i do ...........and my percentage is quite bad lah....
ok, umm.....actually, the result [exam akhir tahun] is not out yet...hahahahaha
but i can predict it.......
OH !!!!!!!! i hate you number 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and my percentage is bad !!!!!!!!!!
is it fact??? oh no....well....
tak pe least i have enjoyed yesterday...i went to trip to Mines Wonderland...
and Beryl's Chocolate factory !!!! oh !!!!!!! the chocolate is so YUMMY !!!!!
i love the black chocolate there [chocolate yg pahit-pahit sikit tu...]...many don't like dark chocolate [or black chocolate...same lah..]...but i luv it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tapi mahal lah chocolate beryl's tu... 1 small box cost RM i bought only two boxes of chocolate [both which i bought was black chocolate !!! hehe..] which costs RM 27 !!!!!!!!!!
2 small box can cost that much !!!!!!!!!!
oh no...i've waste my money...but i don't think so, cause the choc is soooooooooo delicious. !!!
and that's why i'm mang@log!st cHoc0 !!!! and that's why ..
ok...bye..maybe that's all...

later !!!!!!