Saturday, February 20, 2010

A few more words



As you know, I really really out of time, still got works to do. So yeah, don't bother about my rarely-updated-blog (but keep reading =]) and I really want to edit my blog but, y'know, it takes time and the time is taken, for me to do other more important things.

I went to the tailor just now and guess what, she made the tudung so pendekk.. -__- errrggghhh...
And I think tonight I'm going to stay up late, hopefully, I wont fall asleep, like what happened yesterday. -__- ggeeezzzz..
I got lots of things to save in my brain.
So yeah, busy busy busy...! hehe...

And thnks for your supports, to all readers!

And y'know what, raisins can prevent your tooth from decaying. I found it out, with Zeynah, while waiting for our parents to come and pick us up. We were eating raisins that time, yummy.
Hehe.. =)

What fun is, I've started speaking english at school*, but still worried about arabic. Well, I'm trying and hopefully, I can speak fluently in both language, then I can give speeches without texts and debate and something like that. InsyaAllah, amin!!!! That is SO COOL! ngeehee ~~~

*Zeynah was the only one who speak english with me, I am happy about that, but others shows no effort...

- hdyh =)

Dream and determination


I just got back from hostel yesterday. And, I'm kinda happy. Usually, I dont like going back to my house home.
Well anyway, do you know the difference between house and home?
Yesterday, during english class, my teacher told us about this.
Well, house is just a building. As for home, it's a building with love. See?
Homes have love, houses don't.

TNB have something to do at our school, so, we're not going to have electricity flows and that's why the students were allowed to go back home. If not, today, is Hari Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang & Penyerahan Report Kad. *skema..*

So, tomorrow, I'll be leaving. Cuti 2 days je maaa...I have no problems with it because I don't mind if we're going back home or not. And this year, banyak sangat balik lerrr...And it's a big problem for me!

I've a lot of things to tell, and this thing happens everytime I go back home. Why? Because, when I'm at school, in my head, I was like...having lots and lots of ideas to posts, and things to tell you, but when I reached home, sit infront of the computer, log in to my blog, and there it goes, BLANK!
See, now I don't know what to write...

Anyway, 26/2, we're going to KL for Maulidur Rasul and this is so cool! The new students mesti jakun kan... haiihh.. -__-
And 27/2, Maulidur Rasul at my school and I should say 'Yay' for it. Someone from Syria is coming, and we are always excited to meet the Ulama' s. Like every year, we celebrate Maulidur Rasul, big big big Maulid, and thousands of people attend. People from Arabic states and something like that...

Yesterday, I got to tempah some tudungs and I'm going to have a blue black jubah and baju kurungs..Well, for the tudungs, I was thinking of sewing it myself, but mother says she wants to send it to a tailor, so, it'll be easier for my. But, I hope the tailor will make based on my taste. Because, tudung pon bukan cincai-cincai tau... And mother is going to pick them up today. Bagus, kan? Tailor tu buat siap cepat. Bagus bagus...:D =D happy Pictures, Images and Photos

And y'know what? Going to kuliah is now, one of my hobbies. Alhamdulillah...
But when I sleep during kuliah, it's disapointing! *eerggh..*
I dont like it when my kepala melantun waktu kuliah! And then the makcik-makcik kat blakang tengok, malu lerr, tengok budak STIAS tido waktu kuliah.... -__-
But what to do, people always get sleepy, and I have to tahaaaaaaaaaan ngantok, beacause I AM A TOLABUL ILMI! yeaah.. grin Pictures, Images and Photos

And y'know what, muka Fahim and Amsyar masuk blog STIAS, tak boleh blaaaaaa...

So, till here, I'll continue later, IF i have time to do so.
After this, I'm going to buy some things. And get my work done and pack my things, tomorrow, I'll be leaving.
