25 July 2008,
Friday, 8:03 p.m.
Today, my school had a fantastic day!; Gotong-royong
Isn't it 'really' fantastic day? 'Yes', it 'really' does.
We cleaned our class and found some termites during the cleaning session.. Haha... whtvr...
The termites were *eww*...Many of us felt very itchy...Haihhh..
And, UPSR and PSRA is coming soooooooooo soon! Our teacher told us that UPSR
is going to be on 9 September.! *fewwh!*. What a 'pretty' days, starting from now on..
Isn't it 'great' ?! Yeah, 'great'....
Last week, P6, my class, had an examination. And now, we are going to have another examination on next Monday which is next week on 28 July! We've just finished taking examinations and rested for only a week. And here comes another examination. But,
i don;t really care. It's nothing. I'm not saying that UPSR and PSRA are not important but
we all are still kids and we don't need 'stressful' time......It's only PSRA trial, y'know...
It's important and we only need to read and memorise these stuffs and all....
Oh! Back to the 'cleaning-session', haha...never heard it before.
All of us cleaned the class except for the three 'nice and full of clean-ness' ladies
who didn't do their work! They're so irritating! Tegur diorang pon tak gune tau tak!
They're not listening to us. We keep asking them to clean the class together but they
didn't co-operate-ed[?] at all! They sang songs and clapped their hands and go walking
there and here. Though they swept the floor, it was still dirty and they didn't do their work
seriously! They played and sang songs, and was IRRITATING! You heard that?
I-R-R-I-T-A-T-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And they also scolded us because we perli-ed them.
TAK SEDAR DIRI LANGSUNG! tak sedar kesalahan yang diorang
buat pulak tu! Memang sah tak sedar diri!....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they also played with the teachers because they are like... 'teacher's pet..'
just because they're cute. They got bad grades in exam but not that bad la..
They are smart, actually!
But the way of their thinking are totally not smart! NOT SMART!
The moral here is not to blame other people for the mistakes you've done. You should
know that you are wrong when you make mistakes.
As we have tuition class tomorrow, Zakri planned to call the 3 ladies as 'boss'. So,
we will call them 'boss'. They irritate me a lot!
Anyway, who they think they are?
Ok, maybe that's all. Wish me good luck 'cause I have examination next week
and I hope I'll win for the chess competition!
TTFN! Ja-ne...
[the new Akuro Hayashi]