3th May 2008
Last two days was Labour Day and it's a one day holiday. So, I rest-ed about a whole day doing nothing ecxept homeworks. I planned to do some revisions and clean the house, but I end up doing nothing and did only homework and cleaned the dish only, instead. However, during the holiday, I was so glad that I need not to go to school as there were no extra class. Second-ly, the most thing I'm so happy about is I will just have to stay at home and not to see friend A and her other member of her honour club ; The Red Secret Book Club. Duh...it's sound so old. Haha! nenek....
Unfortunately, I have to attend extra class at school today and which means I HAVE TO SEE faces of the DAMN SIDE! I hate them. As I'm short-tempered [lately or since I was born :D], I can say bad things about them and bad words by 'accidentally' . But, I want to avoid and keep myself away from doing or saying bad words, bad things and so on. However, I can't just sit and relax while they're trying to frame me up. Their attitude are on the critical level. They are already melampaui batas!
This morning, during class, one of the member of that damn 'The Red Book' club, who owns a cool phone with a clear camera*, snapped a picture quietly and that idiot member showed the picture to the other member and they laughed. At that time me and my other friends were busy doing the works that our teacher gave us. We don't know whose picture they snapped but it could be me and my other friends. I feel like having a tones of wasabi and suck it into their mouth. Aren't they DAMN?!
Yes, they are and I've been searching for an opportunity to cut them down like hell. Hope things will get better. HOPEFULLY!
And also a drama happened this morning, I was the first to arrive at school and I was also the first who entered the class. I sat on the first row on the center where the whiteboard was infront of my eyeballs. I entered the class followed by others. After I sat, there were still an empty place beside me. No one wants to sit next to me. I don't know why. The idiot damn stupid members of the idiot Red Secret Book club were sitting at the back. There were some of them who came late and they still had their place at the back. Then, one of the damn club member who came the late-est, shoke the teacher's hand and looking for a place to sit. She found an empty place next to me and I was kinda happy that someone would like to sit beside me. But the other member was like "sit here, sit here..." which means they don't want the member to sit next to me but at last, she sat next to me...haha.
. It's because the teacher heard a noise when they we were whispering to ask the member to not to sit next to me. Then the teacher's saying was like "duduk sinilah . Sini kosong tak nmpk ke? ape duduk sane duduk sane?!. duduk sini la!....". The teacher was kinda angry at that time. It's because she was late and plus, she want to sit behind while the place infront was empty.
For your information, there is no more 'Muffin Mafia' as two of them had joined that damn idiot Red Secret Book club. Friend A actually wants to destroy our club due to her jealousy. Haihh...friend A oh friend A, you and your jealousy, STILL unfinished yet. Is it still not enough after what you had done?! GET LOST AND GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!...duh..! If I CAN, I would like to catch her and tie her up and place her in a room or an empty house somewhere in the jungle or forest where there are lots of insects and many kinds of other animal and she would be shouting on top of her voice while no one could hear her. That's a great idea. But if I can do it, or else, I should regain my patience but that doesn't mean she can treat like rubbish forever. She can't...
*mentang-mentang lah dia tu anak org kaya, ade handphone canggih tapi guna untuk BUKAN kebaikan...ish ish ish..