Can you believe it? The day after tomorrow is already new year!
I have lots of things to tell but i don't know how to tell.
I got an offer from SAMTTAJ. I was happy but not so happy. I am happy but didn't reach my hyper-ness... -_-
So next year, I'll be in SAMTTAJ. Uh, horror!!!! -_-
Takut kena buli, y'know...hehe.. Hey, I'm not scared! And next year, I'm a junior!
AAARRRGGGHHHH...I can't log in to Myspace...EEEEEEE..benci benci benci!!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Hostel is horror?
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I update! Say 'YAY'!
Modem rosak, so I cant use the internet. My mother bought new modem and here I am, updating my blog. I'm back. Well, yeah, I am back.
There's a lot of things I wanted to tell earlier.
Firtsly, about UPSR and PSRA results. I was surprised when I got the results, y'know...It was unbelievable, well yeah sort of....this is the results:
5 A! I got 5A!!! Lima A! ^_^
and PSRA:
I got MUMTAZ. My percentage is 93.0%. Teachers said that it was still okay. But I dont think 93 is high. I need more. But still, I got MUMTAZ. And I must be grateful. So, Alhamdulillah!
If u cant see the picture clearly, then zoom in. I got 5A! Uh-hak, oh-yeah! I'm crazy! Hahaa...
Not crazy, I'm hyper! Well, whatever I am....
And the most good news was my class beat last year's. This year, 8 out of 17 people got 5A. But last year, 5 out of 17 people got 5A. So, yeah...
We've proved it! We made the teachers proud!
Now, let me tell you what happened after me and my class got the results. Most cried and a few was like 'blurrrr'....We were happy, of course. And all of us got at least one 'A'. None of us failed. Isn't that greeeeaaaaaaattttttttt???!! It is.
Next, convo!
I wore my new red baju kurung . I bought with my mum at Mydin. -_-
It costs about ...RM 125?..Well, quite expensive but mother said it was berbaloi....Yeah, right..and I love it. It was pretty. And also my new shoes. It wa so cute. BLack colour, of course.
I brought a camera but didn't do the 'cam-whoring' thing...I call this 'crashed computer'. Btw, I dont feel like blogging anymore.
School's Sports Day was 'okay'. Can you belive it, I was given the title 'Olahragawati'. I, too, was surprised. At that time, I was super HYPER. "Aku Olahragawati?! Gila ah! *hyper*. Aku hebat!" Haha.. that was what in my mind.
Oh and pictures?. I don't have much time right now. So, I guess I'll post the pictures later.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Bengang dan Bangang.
Apa beza bengang dan bangang?
Orang yang bangang selalu membuatkan orang lain jadi bengang.
Orang yang bengang selalu buat kerja-kerja yang bangang.
Jadi, beza antara bengang dan bangang ni lebih kurang je...
Tetapi orang yang Bangang ni memang bangang dan orang yang bangang ni jadi bangang sebab dia bengang. Orang bengang ni jadi bangang sebab dia buat kerja-kerja yang bangang.
Bila anda bengang, maka anda akan jadi bangang. Dan bila anda bangang, anda akan mula membengangkan diri anda sebab stress bila dapat tahu diri anda tu BANGANG!
Pandai-pandai lah tangani situasi sebegini kerana ia akan memberi kesan kat orang lain. Maka, orang di sekeliling anda akan bengang dengan anda disebabkan ke'bangang'an anda tu.
Bila orang lain mula bengang dengan anda, anda akan mula bengang dengan mereka juga. Maka, bila tercetus pergaduhan, semua jadi BANGANG!
Sebab mereka bergaduh dan apabila mereka mulakan pergaduhan yang bangang tu, sama lah seperti mereka membuat kerja bangang yang membengankan. Bila ianya membengangkan, ia akan mambuatkan anda menjadi bangang sebangang-bangangnye. Bila menjadi bangang semuanya, orang akan mula bengang dengan anda dan tercetus la pergaduhan seperti yang aku cakap tadi. Jadi, semuanya BANGANG! Maka berakhirlah pergaduhan mereka dalam keadaan yang bangang dan membengankan orang lain. Nampak tak apa yang aku nak cakap? Yang bengang itu bangang dan yang bangang itu bengang! Faham ye pembaca semua.
Sekarang ianya memberi kesan dekat aku pulak. Dalam kasyikan aku menaip tentang bangang dan bengang ni, aku pulak yang bengang tanpa sebab. Aku kena back to normal dengan segera supaya aku tidak ke tahap seterusnya, iaitu, MENJADI BANGANG akibat kebengangan aku sekarang ni!
Chow chin chow!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A little of excitement, a pinch of sadness.
Sedang ku online Myspace, tiba-tiba; well, nothing happened. Haha...jangan la cuak pulak..
Aku agak geram. Kalau nak di ikutkan aku bukan AGAK geram tapi sangat geram. Entah kenapa dan mengapa, bagaimana dan apa lagi yang aku nak buat supaya aku dapat upload gamba-gamba semasa aku meyambut Raya di Halaman Kampungku yang baru dan terkini; Kampung Sri Pintar Subang Jaya. Hahaha...
Entah ape penyakit internet aku ni, nak upload gamba je mesti ade benda yang slack...Maaf la ye semua...Al-maklum lah, tak dapat nak upload gamba makna nye tak dapat la korang tengok gamba gamba yang aku captured masa sambut Raya kat sekolah. Kalau nak, doa-doa je la internet aku ni sembuh dan sihat wal-afiat.
Heh, enough with that Malay-language-thing!
I've got many to tell;
First, I just found out this, Samsung INNOV8. It's cool. *ceh, I sound like nerdy, don't I?*
It has 8MP camera and it's cool. I wonder if I can own one.....
FYI, this is slide phone, not candybar.It's the world's first 8MP phone camera. I told you, it's cool. And I'm kinda nerdy today. Why? Even I don't know why. Hahaha, so 'funny'.
The latest big news (in my school? duhhh..):
My teacher, Ustaz Azhari, remember? He's getting married. Better to say, he's getting older. Hehe....
He's 30, LOL. Going to married the 26-years-old lady. Hehe....ok, well, I'm just kidding.
I think I can't make it to his wedding. I don't think I can go. Nanti rasa janggal pulak kang... Lagipun, entah la...tak pegi so tak pegi lah , kan? So, I'm going nowhere. "Sorry ek Ustaz". Heheheh....
And yesterday he came to school, without my POPIAH BASAH! But only his wedding invitation cards in his hand. Hehehe, I'm joking. Okay, yeah right, whatever.
Second, the bad news. DARN IT! :
WHY CAN'T MY COMPUTER UPLOAD PICTURES??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frust gila, tau tak? Everytime nak upload pictures, ade je benda tak kena.....The err is like everywhere. If magic really does exist, I'd have upload lots of pic at a time. Hehehe...
I actually, I've got a lot more to tell. But, Project Runway dah start. So, off me go and I'm going downstairs to watch it! Yeah, that's it!
Hidayah -membebel banyak hari ni...-
Monday, October 13, 2008
First time tagged,
Hello readers and earth-ers,
13 Syawal; today. ;)
By the way, I was tagged by Lissa and Nyla.; thanks girls!!! I heart you guys. This is my first time tagged by anyone. Sorry sebab lambat.... haha...
Ok, I'll start...
My Top 10 Most Favourite Food
1. CHOCOLATE and blueberry cake!
2. Mum's cooking..
3. Mushroom soup
4. Nasi Lemak and nasi goreng and my mum's asam pedas :D
5. Lemang and ketupat and rendang and lontong and serunding
6. Ramen
7.Ikan keli goreng!
8. Fruits!! ;)
9.Roti jala
10. Pizza or pizza bread
10 Things I Love Doing
1. Shopping (actually, I only window shop...)
2. Dressing up
3. Berangan....
4. Running
5. Laugh so loud..(it's actually 10 things I USUALLY do...)
6. Observing people/ look other people or the outfit he/she is wearing. :)
7. Bake kuih/ cakes
8. Write
9. Eating
10. Taking photos
5 Things I Love Doing When I'm Emo / Stressed
1. Write crappy things
2. Hempas sane sini :S (usually...)
3. Watch TV!
4. Drink or eat :D
5. Baring and automatically, I'll fall asleep... XD
5 Things I Love Doing When I'm Happy
1. Talk a lot!
2. Laugh so loud, nonstop!
3. Make some jokes
4. Annoy other people *_*
5. Sengih-sengih tak tentu arah/Berangan
5 Ways To Make Me Go Crazy
1. FOOD! etc: chocolates!!
2. Gossip, ehhheeee....
3. When people make jokes
4. Laugh so loud and nonstop
5. Send me to mental hospital :S...haha..
My Top 5 Most Favourite Junk Food
1. Firstly, the most important, CHOCOLATES!!!!!!
2. Jackers; the crispy-potatoes-thing. Etc: Mr.Potato , haha...
3. Ice cream!!
4. Biskut Jepun beras, ape entah namenye....I think it's Japanese rice cake...maybe
5. Burgers and french fries.
5 Things I Wish It Could Happen
1. Me in Japan! So cool!
2. Own a phone, laptop, camera and a room. And LOTS of outfit!
3. Have money, a LOT of money
4. Have best friends....true friends....
5. Meet the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W,
10 Ridiculous Things I Wish To Do Before I Die
1. Be a monkey! XD
2. Prank call people
3. Wear 15 outfit in a day. :D
4. Be in the fantasy world, like Barbie =.=
5. Own 20 phones.
6. Make myself rabun and then buy cool specs. Hehe....
7. Shave my head (kidding)
8. Couple-ing! hehhe....
9. Kill people and watch their death... xD
10. Naik airoplane for the first time and go anywhere the plane go to....hehhe...
My Top 10 Recently Most Addicted Songs
1. Natasha Beddingfield - Pocket full of sunshine
2. M.I.A - Paper planes
3. Chris Brown - Forever
4. Bloc party - Banquet
5. Jet - Look what you've done
7. ATB - Black nights and ATB - Ecstacy
8. Rihanna - Disturbia
9. Jason Mraz - I'm yours
10. Estelle - American boy
(most of them are old songs...hahhh)
10 Persons You Wish To Tag
(everyone has tag everyone, then who should I tag?)
1. Ustaz Ah-Yee, haha....
2. Kak Yayah, dear yayah
3. Maria Sofia :D
4. LissyPants :D
5. Syaza the binx :D
6. Alissa - I tag you back ;)
7. Nyla- I tag you back too ;)
8. Julia ;D
9. anyone; volunteer
10. anyone; volunteer
Ok, maybe that's all.
BTW, last Friday (10 Syawal..), I celebrated Hari Raya at school!
I'll upload the pictures later!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
OKAY, i know that...
Like yours is better...I write anything that comes out from my head. So, tak payah la nak buat ayat yang SKEMA sangat. Asal orang faham ape yang kita nak bagi tau suda la.....
IKHLAS buat: seseorang yang aku tak kenal yang bernama ALIAH :
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I rule
Today: 27th Sept '08, Sat
Currently listening to: Jet - Look what you've done
Metro Station - Shake it ( before I hear Jet's song.)
Holiday starts today! Y-a-y. And I am free after all. Exam finished. No more book-facing. Well, Hari Raya is in um..... 3 days? But whtvr...Ramadhan nak habis sudah ~_~...Setan pulak yang datang tanpa dijemput..Menyemak je setan-setan ni....Sepatutnye setan dikurung forever and ever and ever ever!!!
Ok, next-
Baju raya? Oh, I haven't got one. I'm thinking to have one, in blue or maybe red colour. Or maybe green, purple also nice. White and pink patterns? Eh, mata sudah rambang x_x. Hahaha...
Well yeah, yesterday, my school had this program; Majlis Khatam Al-Quran. I've already told you before, haven't I? It was O-K. Well, like it was REALLY 'okay'. Oh, and I brought a camera. Hehehe..Ust.Zainal didn't know until I told him and he said, "tak pe, no hal. Jaga elok-elok je.."
And I was like, 'wooooott! haha. Sporting seyh! yeahhhhh!'
So, me and my friends took some pictures and they were all B-O-R-I-N-G! I thought that we would pose like this and that ,here and there and jump here and there like everywhere but, things were not as I expected. Well, the boys didnt know I brought the camera. My plans were to:
1. Take some pictures with friends; Jumping pictures (especially..)
2. While taking pictures, just pose as you like.
3. Take pictures of class.
4. Laugh out loud.
5. Record a vid.
6. Cam-whore (I think this is same as number 1, right?)
and many many more, it was all in my head. All my plans were ruined by this b***h. Well, not THIS b***h but THOSE b***hes. I wonder why I got into this school. It's really torturing me. But, look at the bright side, since I moved to this school, my grade is getting higher. Maybe it's because that time, when I first got into this school, I was ...(kind of..) scared of the teachers and dont know why. Stupid, huh? It's S-T-U-P-I-D. However, things were O-Kay after a few months. I just have to get used to it. I mean, it's different. Everywhere is different. Well, y'know that...
Now now honey, about the program at my school, yesterday. While the boys were at Masjid Al-Falakh to perform Jumaat prayers, I don't know why but suddenly the girls (in my class, ok..) were talking about Aimi. Nothing but it was just for fun. (Just for fun? WTH??!) And we were like meluahkan perasaan masing-masing. Well, surprisingly, they hold grudge to me, especially. And while we were talking, I was busy taking photos. Aaaaand Haziqah scolded me. She said this, "boleh diam tak, Dayah?! Aku sepak ko kang...!". Uh well, we use bahasa yang agak kasar. Well, whatever she says. I still took photos. And the others were posing but I didn't take their photos. I did but only one, maybe. I dont really remember. There's some reasons why I didnt;
1. They I think I am kecoh and whatsoever in their mind and they think negative about me.
The reason I brought the camera wasn't to show off. They always think bad about me, especially. Uh well, their usual idiot negative thoughts.
2. They think that I'm interrupting (not all of them, though..) while they're talking about Aimi.
3. I was khusyuk x_x (sort of...) listening to what they were telling and talking and saying. -_-
4. I know most people in my class hate me a lot. Well, not most, but ALL, maybe. (My relationship between my friends started to loose since a few months ago. And someone boycott-ed me. It was all their doing; *a*** ***i**, *a*** **i***, ***i** and ***i. I don't know what were their reasons to do all that stupid stuff. They are all *u****g b****es.
5. I was kinda..sad when they said I'm a pembelot and pengkhianat. I'm no more one of them as I am a 'traitor'.
and many more reasons why I didn't take their photos.... I feel like I don't ever want to remember them again and want to erase my memories with them. Ye lah.. bukan ke aku ni 'pembelot' dan 'pengkhianat'? Diorang kan budak baik. So what? Go to your *u****g *e**!!!!
You see, pagi- pagi lagi aku dah buat dosa sebab mencarut. Ini semua sebab kawan-kawan yang tak sejati langsung. Aku sangat sangat sangat bosan dengan diorang ni; yang pernah memboikot aku, yang membuatkan aku failed dalam kebanyakkan subjek dalam kelas. Sekarang, puas la hati diorang, betul tak?
Uh well, I've no more friends. Kalau ade pun, kawan untuk 1 jam atau 1 hari je....Lepas tu, diorang tinggalkan la aku.
I should stop here. I want to tell you about this:
HTC Touch Pro. Cool, huh? I like it. If I can, I would like to have one. ^_^
It has 3.2 Megapixel camera. And other benefits. Haha....I'm dreaming of having one.
Or maybe this?
Sony Ericsson C905. I was kinda..surprised to know that it has 8 Megapixel camera. 8! EIGHT Megapixel, yo! Haha..because I've never seen a phone with more than 5 Megapixel camera..
And this:
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1. I would rather choose HTC Touch Pro, though.
How about this?
Nokia N85. It has ummm....5 Megapixel camera. Uh well, cool. Boleh tahan...
I like it! It's super cool.
Ah, this one!
Nokia E71.
My friend's sister owns this. It's Haziqah's sister, she owns this. While Haziqah owns this cool sexy red Nokia N76:
It's slim. It has 2 Megapixels camera. Boleh la...
And many many more phones....Well, have you ever seen Vertu phones? They're expensive because of their look. That's pathetic. But, some phones with golden and diamonds are nice and I like it too and they're expensive, of course. They're expensive because of the diamonds and the golden-thing on the phone. See some golden diamonds or Vertu phones here.
By the way, I didn't notice my post are longer than I expected. Wooo! Ok, let's end here. I've written my longest post. Oh wait! I've one more thing to say.
If you read my last post, you can see there's one people posted a comment and I don't know who. It's 'Anonymous'. Please don't do that. And leave your name if you want to comment. And I think I know who; my teacher, I think so...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sue me.
Today; 22 Sept, Mon.
Salam to anyone who read this,
Like what I said in my last post, Haziqah always conquer EVERYTHING. So now, I guess that I am wrong. Am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong. Ok well, SUE ME. Well, in this case, no sue-ing.
Well, whatever.....Just telling you guys, Haziqah is a very very very good person, if you look and be friend with her and know her more. Maybe some of my thoughts are right; she irritates people a lot, she always force people to do that and this (that was before, she has changed :-) ), she always say people are wrong while she's the only one who is right, she scolds anyone if she wants like she's a boss. and many other thoughts of mine. But actually, deep inside her, she's kind. She's a very funny person. She laughs a lot and sometimes we laugh so hard when she makes funny things. And one more thing, she is HONEST! Very very very honest. Honesty is the best! *wink*
Next topic: Report for PSRA (hahaha... x_x)
Today, I went through Arabic and Imlak test paper. B.A (bahasa arab) was a little difficult and I was shocked to see the questions! Suddenly, the topic that teacher told us to focus on to, didn't came out!(because teacher said it will come out . And I was like, ahhhh, soalan bocor! Bagus! Yeahhh baby!) Only a few. I was really UNSATISFIED because on something something something at the third part question. guys dont get it, do you? Well, it's just a 'story'....Eh no, 'report'. Yup, that's it. ;-)
By the way, I cant log in to MySpace!!!!!!!! Nuuuuuuuuuuu~~~~
Because: My brother blocked MySpace. How cruel. *_* Sheeeesh... This is bad.!!!!!! Well, whatever....
Do you know something? No? Of course you dont cause I didn't tell you anything yet. HAHAHA!
That's so 'funny'. Like it IS funny. Well yeah whtvr.
Hmmm...anything alse? I want to blog and blog for today! Oh!
And tomorrow; Akhlak/Sirah test paper.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
PSRA on the go!
Salam all readers,
As I told you a few days ago, I'm sitting for PSRA and it's TOMORROW. *horror*
And yeah, I still haven't got any dress or clothes for Hari Raya. Tomorrow is the next big war.
And after PSRA, Majlis Khatam Al-Quran!!! Hahahaha...I'm so excited. But why? o_O
Any idea? Whatever...
I don't think I'm ready for tomorrow, though. Last night, I didn't sleep. Well yeah I slept but only for 1 hour, maybe. Then, got up at about.....5:30 a.m. and I ate some bread and drank some water for sahur. Because tak cukup masa maaaaaa..........
Btw, you watched 'A lot like love' yesterday? No? I watched but only some parts of it because I have to study. There's this part where Oliver was telling Emily a story on the phone. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand it was funny. Oliver told her a story about a boy who lost his golden fish. The boy dug a hole as a grave for his dead golden fish. And then, as he was digging the hole, a woman said "Why are you digging a big hole while your fish is very small?". Then the boy said, "Because your stupid cat ate my fish. ". Well, actually, I don't remember the story. But, it's just that...whatever. It's almost the same, I think. You guys dont get me, do you?
Well, fine. Watch it yourself.
What am I doing here, blogging and wasting my time like there's no any important thing tomorrow???!!! WTH? Whtvr.....I am talking crap. Don't get me wrong.
Just now, I read Lissa's blog. And she said she got all correct for Math Paper 1!!! Hah, I'm soooooooooooooooooo jealous. She's so smart. No wonder boys fancy her a lot. Hahaha..I'm just joking. But it's true, right? Lissa's pretty and smart. Same goes her sister. Well, Lissa, don't get me wrong.
What else?
to be continued.....(there's nothing for me to continue, so, THE END)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Where ever and whenever.
Shutter Shades! Hahaha.. nice, right? Yes!
I'm listening to: Metro Station - Shake It
Mood: Fashion-ed!
Location: Home
This is as a continuation of the Fashion Thingy!
From Louis Vuitton
You know what brand it is, don't you? ;)
Chanel shoes
Guess by Marciano
Guess by Marciano
Guess by Marciano grey sneakers
Chanel shades
Chanel necklace
Project Runway ....??
Project Runway, Jeffrey Sebelia's
Project Runway, Jeffrey's
More shades:
The friend stealer
17 Sept, 2008 - Wednesday
Salam all readers, ;)
Just so you know, this week is the last week to study for PSRA. Next week, the next war; PSRA which is an unknown war (unknown war?). By the way, just telling you guys that there are 2 new students in my class from other school. Where ever they are from, I only know that they are from other school. Get it? No? never mind then...One girl and one boy. We were told that they were transfered here just to 'tumpang' study for PSRA with us. The girl said,(her name is Liya, btw,), they only have two standard 6 pupils in their school; they boy and the girl students that I mentioned just now. So, they're here to study with us. And so we have new friends. But, Haziqah brings problem -AGAIN-! I **** her! I know Zakri might be reading this and so what?! Haziqah's new BEST friend; Liya. Haziqah just want to conquer everything, same goes as Zakri. SAUDARA la kata kan....Same je perangai masing-masing.
*hey, I'm listening to Jason Mraz's, I'm yours!
Next topic; Fashion Thingy!
Hahaha....not fashion aactually..Well, I don't know..Just take a look.
Miley Cyrus : Her bright yellow belted dress matches her!
Leighton Meester: 'Blair' looks nicer in her yellow dress with cute black ribbon. :D
Miley Cyrus: Pretty and simple black; her black belted dress.
Leighton Meester and (Keira Knightley?): Both girls are wearing golden dress with simple high heels. I love Keira's dress!
Ashlee Simpson: The hot mama! Her simple black dress suits her 'condition'. Hehehe....She looks so holy (holy?).
Jordin Sparks: She really made me lived with no air. Hahaha...Her black tube dress with cute pink ribbon is just nice, and pretty! :D
Pussycat Dolls: The Pussy-pussycat ladies! The one second from right; I love her hair! Their outfit are gorgeous!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I won the war!
Current mood: Okay, feeling so free.
Listening to: Samantha Jade - Step Up
Condition: sitting on a chair? haha...
Location: home
Well, yeah, sort of.
So, today is 11th Sept 2008, which is the last day of UPSR.
And i'm here at home, blogging and feeling so free and proud of myself. Hahaha..
It's 3:12 p.m. and I was at SRIMDE struggling for UPSR this morning and I think I did the best. And so, I won the war! Well, I think I won the war. What? I can get 5A, y'know. Certainly.
Well, I was a little kind of stuck during the Mathematic paper yesterday. But it's an A in my hand for Math! No doubt! hahaha...Of course not only Math, but all subjects. And after a week struggling for UPSR, another war will come; PSRA! *horror!!*. Hahahaha, it's not an horror. Just kidding la...
BTW, tomorrow, school as usual.....ahhh, you know that, don't you? And so what.....
Ok, maybe that's all. I'll continue later IF I have anything to tell. Y'know me huh?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Bila setan tiada, kami gembira! ;)
8;57 PM, Tuesday 2/9/08.
Aloha readers...
Assalamualaikum. [ha! baru la bagus! :P]
Sorry sebab aku tak upload lagi gambar aku mase aku kat Kl Bird Park. Gomen-nasai...
By the way, kejap lagi korang akan melihat wajah aku! last, dpt jugak aku letak
muke aku ni kat blog aku. Baru lah korang tau rupe aku ni macam mane. Betul tak? Kan, kan...
Hahaaha.......sama ade aku ni cantik ke...tak cantik ke...Tapi aku rase aku ni cantik.
Alhamdulillah, aku ade rupe yang elok. Bersyukur la...bukan aku nak berlagak.. ish ish ish..
tak elok tau berpasangka waktu bulan Ramadhan ni. Setan dah tak de, kite gembire! ceeewah..
alimnye aku hari ni..
Aku nak cerita satu bende ni...semlm cuti, kan? betul tak? cuti, kan?ha, cuti! Tapi,
semalam aku gi skolah aku tengok tak de org dtgm sebab cuti! Aku sorang je kat skolah semlm.
Betul-betul aku ni ketinggalan. Heheh...patutla van tak datang ambik...sorry! ..Aku sesat...
Weyh, tak jadi la kau letak gambar aku. nanti je la ye...sorry guys! alaa...bukannye ade orang bace pon blog aku ni... I've planned to delete my blog. It's better, anyway...
Ok la, bye....UPSR lagi 7 hari je....malas la nk cerite ngan korang...tak de org bace pon blog aku ni....
Friday, August 29, 2008
Well hello and assalamualikum. [woa, alimnye aku hari ni.. :D]
Aku baru je online Myspace tadi. Tapi mcm bangang je. Ade yg online, aku hantar comment
diorang buat bodoh je. Tu la manusia zaman sekarang. Bila boleh buat pandai, nak buat bodoh. Kan
BODOH name nye tu!
Aku rindu jugak ngan kawans lama kat SKSS. Tadi Maria, Imran ngan Lissa online. Tapi aku hantar comment
kat Maria, dia buat tak tau je! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE la geramnye....Kat skolah aku pon ade satu hal.
Ape pnye kawan ni ? Kawan ke namenye ni?
Imran pon same je. Tak pernah dia balas comment2 yg aku bagi sblm ni. Lissa baru je comment photo
aku tadi. Hahaaha, I look taller than my teacher. Well, not LOOK taller but I AM taller than my teacher.
Aik, aku bukan nk berlagak la. JAngan salah sangka, tak baik tau! Hahahahaahah.....
Lissa comment and said "yay its hidayah!"
and she doesn't sound like she wants to talk with me. Bad me. Me bad. Well, aku tak paksa Lissa comment.
Tapi aku geram sangat ni, kawans lame kat SKSS, tak de sorang pon yg rindu kat aku. Tak de pon yang ingat aku.
Well, maybe ade la kot tapi a few je la......and it's Lissa. Well thanks Lissa. I HART You!
Arrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhh, esok ade extra class. And UPSR is in 1 week only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, bagi aku bukan lagi 1 week tapi less than 1 day. Dan SEPATUTNYE aku tak online sekarang ni. Alaaaa...
ape salah nye kalau online nk hilangkan stress, kan kan? la tu.. Tapi tkkn nk blaje je kot...
My mum says don't be a TOTALLY ulat buku. Some people blajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa je tak kire timenye.
Tapi kalau aku, aku akan lakukan sesuatu perkara yang tak memboringkan aku. Sebab nye aku tak boleh
duduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk je dan bace buku berjam-jam dengan berterusan. NO MASSIVE STUDYING.
Itu la kata-kata Lissa. Aku nk pergi study ahhhh...bye! Lain kali sambung ye! And I'll upload
the pics when I was at KL Bird Park later........sorry ^_^
Monday, August 18, 2008
When I saw him.....
My heart beat went fast. And I was like "OMG! It's him!"
Hello readers, it's 18 August to day. 1:42 p.m.
How are you? -_- .
I just got back from extra class a few minutes ago. After this, I have to masak nasi. -_-
Haha, yesterday, I went to PSRA Course at Sekolah . It was not boring cause the penceramah was good.
And I saw some of my old friends there. And none of them came to me. Or greet me. Or say
Hi to me. None of them. sad. What a poor girl I am.
Anyway, tomorrow I still have extra class. Until this Sat. And on Sun, rest just for a while.
I don't want to do massive studying. Like what Lissa said, she don't want to do massive studying or
she'll suffer mental block. Hahahaha....Lissa's more to positive, y'know....But I'm almost 100% neagative.
I'm going down from above in class. And my friend, got to the top from the bottom. He got 4A.
We're still waiting for out Science mark. We've got our mark for 4 subjects already. And I got 2A, so far. Farah
and Haizal got 4A. Woa! Haizal's going to the top! While I'm stuck at the bottom. I don't know what's
wrong with me. Whtvr.....And Haizal forgot something. I'm so sad.
Just so you know, exams is in 2 weeks. And after UPSR, I'm sitting for PSRA. And after PSRA; End
Of Year Examination. There's so many exams in my school for standard 6. I don't even remember my results
for my exams. And I don't think I can go to BESTARI. IT's okay. Because I don't think I can survive there.
HAhahaa! :P
I have a lot of things to do. I need to revise this and that. I always berangan that I get 99.9% for my exams.
And I think there's nothing wrong about it, so what?
Bak kata orang,
Cita-cita itu bermula dari angan-angan.
Is it impossible for me to get 99.9% for my exams, both UPSR and PSRA?
NO, it's possible. I can do it if I try harder. Or maybe more harder. ANd more than more harder.
But not to hard la sayang......Like what I said; NO MASSIVE STUDYING.
To be continued.............
HEy! I'm back!
SAmbung, k?
Whre was I? errmmm......Oh ya! NO MASSIVE STUDYING! Yeah, Lissa's right.
Anyway, I'm going for my extra class at school. ANd after that, my mom and I will go
somewhere or anywhere to find some clothes. For me. weeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~
I got so many to tell, but I forgot already.
I'll continue later. Till then, TATA!
And the pics when I was at KL Bird Park. I will post them later. -_-
Friday, July 25, 2008
Yes boss! *whatever!*
25 July 2008,
Friday, 8:03 p.m.
Today, my school had a fantastic day!; Gotong-royong
Isn't it 'really' fantastic day? 'Yes', it 'really' does.
We cleaned our class and found some termites during the cleaning session.. Haha... whtvr...
The termites were *eww*...Many of us felt very itchy...Haihhh..
And, UPSR and PSRA is coming soooooooooo soon! Our teacher told us that UPSR
is going to be on 9 September.! *fewwh!*. What a 'pretty' days, starting from now on..
Isn't it 'great' ?! Yeah, 'great'....
Last week, P6, my class, had an examination. And now, we are going to have another examination on next Monday which is next week on 28 July! We've just finished taking examinations and rested for only a week. And here comes another examination. But,
i don;t really care. It's nothing. I'm not saying that UPSR and PSRA are not important but
we all are still kids and we don't need 'stressful' time......It's only PSRA trial, y'know...
It's important and we only need to read and memorise these stuffs and all....
Oh! Back to the 'cleaning-session', haha...never heard it before.
All of us cleaned the class except for the three 'nice and full of clean-ness' ladies
who didn't do their work! They're so irritating! Tegur diorang pon tak gune tau tak!
They're not listening to us. We keep asking them to clean the class together but they
didn't co-operate-ed[?] at all! They sang songs and clapped their hands and go walking
there and here. Though they swept the floor, it was still dirty and they didn't do their work
seriously! They played and sang songs, and was IRRITATING! You heard that?
I-R-R-I-T-A-T-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And they also scolded us because we perli-ed them.
TAK SEDAR DIRI LANGSUNG! tak sedar kesalahan yang diorang
buat pulak tu! Memang sah tak sedar diri!....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they also played with the teachers because they are like... 'teacher's pet..'
just because they're cute. They got bad grades in exam but not that bad la..
They are smart, actually!
But the way of their thinking are totally not smart! NOT SMART!
The moral here is not to blame other people for the mistakes you've done. You should
know that you are wrong when you make mistakes.
As we have tuition class tomorrow, Zakri planned to call the 3 ladies as 'boss'. So,
we will call them 'boss'. They irritate me a lot!
Anyway, who they think they are?
Ok, maybe that's all. Wish me good luck 'cause I have examination next week
and I hope I'll win for the chess competition!
TTFN! Ja-ne...
[the new Akuro Hayashi]